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Friday, November 27, 2009

How to Get a Big Discount on Prescription Drugs You Can't Do Without

It's enough to give you heartburn.

The price of some acid reflux medicines, that is.

I needed to fill a prescription for a family member when I remembered with a twitch that the last time we got a month's supply it set us back more than two hundred bucks.

Wow, that's more than six bucks a day simply to be able to enjoy the foods that non-sufferers ingest with regularity. But there's no alternative and no generic brand that can be had for less.

So, I phoned the pharmacy to ask how much the pills would cost this time. The clerk said she couldn't quote over the phone. I had to go in.

Before I did, I thought, "Gee it would be nice to have a coupon for this stuff."

Maybe there is one!

I searched Google and found out there is a discount that exceeded my expectations.

The manufacturer provides a $50 discount each month for twelve months!

All I had to do was print out a single page from the web site and present it to the pharmacy.


This month's tab dropped to $112 and change.

I'm not sure if my jawboning about shopping prices had anything to do with earning the extra dollars off, but it probably didn't hurt.

Learning Point: Before paying a fortune for those drugs you just cannot do without, investigate to see if there are online coupons.

In this case, over the course of the year, we're on track to saving a whopping $600 as our reward for doing a two-minute search.

Dr. Gary S. Goodman teaches his original seminar, "Best Practices in Negotiation" at a number of universities, corporations, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies. A top-rated keynote speaker at conventions and conferences around the world, he is also the best-selling author of 12 books, and more than 1,500 articles, which appear in approximately 25,000 publications. An attorney and communications professional, his expert commentary is featured on CNBC television and on numerous radio stations. Additionally, Dr. Goodman is the creator of Nightingale-Conant's successful audio seminar: THE LAW OF LARGE NUMBERS: HOW TO MAKE SUCCESS INEVITABLE.

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