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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Relieve Gout Pain Now Without Taking Toxic Prescription Drugs

The description of a person who suffers from gout is a male over the
age of forty years of age. In ancient times, the gout sufferer would have
been royalty. Gout has been called the "king's disease" because only
royalty could indulge in fatty food and alcohol to excess.

Gout is caused by a build up or uric acid crystals in the joint fluid.
The immune system reacts to these crystals as if to a foreign invader.
The joint, as a result, becomes inflamed and painful.

The symptoms are the sudden onset of burning pain and stiffness.
The joints swell. The common areas affected by a gout attack are
the big toes, ankle, knee, wrist and elbow.

Your medical doctor can diagnose whether you have gout through a blood test.
Traditional treatment to help gout pain is NSAIDS to kill the pain. Allopurinol,
is an anti-inflammatory drug that inhibits the formation of uric acid. Allopurinol
has serious side effects that include:

*Skin eruptions

*Liver toxicity,

*Inflammation of the blood vessels, and

*Possible weakening of kidney function

To help gout pain without taking toxic prescription drugs, follow these medical


Recent medical advice supports the theory of regular exercise as a pain reliever
for gout. The theory is that exercise nourishes the joint cartilage
and removes waste products. Exercise also strengthens the muscles around the joint.
Stronger muscles will support the joint. Stretching exercises maintains your range of motion.

2) Apply cold packs to inflamed swollen joint for 10-15 minutes,.

3) Put your joints gently through its full range of motion one to two times per day.

4) Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Drinking sufficient amounts of water, fresh juices or herbal tea daily will relieve
gout symptoms. The fluids keep the urine diluted to help the body excrete uric acid.

Add fresh squeezed lemon juice to your water daily. Lemon juice stimulates the
formation of calcium carbonate in the body. Calcium carbonate neutralizes uric acid.

Diet Recommendations:
Eliminate these foods to help gout pain

People who have gout are unable to break down and excrete uric acid, a byproduct of
digesting certain foods. Reducing the consumption of these foods is very often successful
in reducing or eliminating gout. It is recommended that individuals who suffer from gout
eliminate these foods from the diet.





*Meat organs

*Red meat


Do not take aspirin for pain relief. Aspirin can raise uric acid levels
Only use ibuprofen.

It is recommended that people who suffer from gout add these foods to their diet to
help with gout pain. Baking Soda with meals will prevent gout attacks. Baking soda will
help alkalize the body.

Take 2 grams of fish oil capsules 2x a day to reduce the chances of gout inflammation.

Eating 6-8 cherries daily will relieve the symptoms of gout.. Cherries are rich in compounds
that prevent the destruction of collagen.

Mince garlic and add it to black cherry juice for a potent remedy to relieve gout pain.

Three to six shark cartilage tablets taken used on a daily basis can make the pain go away.
Take 1000 mg of vitamin C 1,000 mg per hour at the very outset of a gout attack, then reduce to
500-3,000 mg daily for maintenance.

Vitamin C helps lower serum uric acid levels.

Get some natural, concentrated black cherry juice and drink several tablespoons daily.
You should expect relief in 48 hours.

Blueberries are high in anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins, which help ease
the pain of gout.

Boil one tablespoon of Cayenne pepper in 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water and dab onto
the painful joint.

Grapes are high in alkalines which lessen the acidity of uric acid and aid in its elimination
from the body.

Eating a cup of strawberries with each meal should bring quick relief. Strawberries
neutralize uric acid.

Finding alternative treatment for gout pain is important. Gout sufferers are usually prescribed
one of three types of drugs that have negative side affects. Finding a combination of natural
ways to help gout pain will be beneficial for your long term health.

Friday, November 27, 2009

How to Get a Big Discount on Prescription Drugs You Can't Do Without

It's enough to give you heartburn.

The price of some acid reflux medicines, that is.

I needed to fill a prescription for a family member when I remembered with a twitch that the last time we got a month's supply it set us back more than two hundred bucks.

Wow, that's more than six bucks a day simply to be able to enjoy the foods that non-sufferers ingest with regularity. But there's no alternative and no generic brand that can be had for less.

So, I phoned the pharmacy to ask how much the pills would cost this time. The clerk said she couldn't quote over the phone. I had to go in.

Before I did, I thought, "Gee it would be nice to have a coupon for this stuff."

Maybe there is one!

I searched Google and found out there is a discount that exceeded my expectations.

The manufacturer provides a $50 discount each month for twelve months!

All I had to do was print out a single page from the web site and present it to the pharmacy.


This month's tab dropped to $112 and change.

I'm not sure if my jawboning about shopping prices had anything to do with earning the extra dollars off, but it probably didn't hurt.

Learning Point: Before paying a fortune for those drugs you just cannot do without, investigate to see if there are online coupons.

In this case, over the course of the year, we're on track to saving a whopping $600 as our reward for doing a two-minute search.

Dr. Gary S. Goodman teaches his original seminar, "Best Practices in Negotiation" at a number of universities, corporations, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies. A top-rated keynote speaker at conventions and conferences around the world, he is also the best-selling author of 12 books, and more than 1,500 articles, which appear in approximately 25,000 publications. An attorney and communications professional, his expert commentary is featured on CNBC television and on numerous radio stations. Additionally, Dr. Goodman is the creator of Nightingale-Conant's successful audio seminar: THE LAW OF LARGE NUMBERS: HOW TO MAKE SUCCESS INEVITABLE.

Prescription Drug Abuse - A Growing Trend Among Teens

Just when we're starting to feel a little safer about so-called "street drugs," heroin, cocaine, crystal meth and the like, that their use among teens is diminishing, we're ripped out of our comfort zone and confronted with a new enemy; prescription drugs. Legal drugs.

Yes, the medicines that we keep in our medicine cabinet, and the prescription pills that we carry in our purses prescribed by our physicians for whatever ailment we're suffering from, are now being lifted right out from under our noses by our teens.

Consider these statistics from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration).

More than 1 in 10 teens (or 2.8 million) have abused prescription drugs in their lifetimes according to SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
1 in 3 teens report knowing someone who abuses prescription drugs according to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America's 2007 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study.
1 in 3 teens surveyed says there is "nothing wrong" when using prescription drugs "every once and (sic) awhile." according to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America's 2007 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study.
Every day, 2,700 teens abuse a prescription drug for the first time according to SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
8 out of 10 teens who misuse prescription drugs get the drugs from friends or relatives through a number of means including stealing, buying or simply asking for the drugs according to the Partnership for a Drug-Free America's 2007 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study.
This is pretty scary stuff. We use prescription drugs without giving them much thought. We take them in front of our children. If we have a headache we pop an aspirin or a "pain pill" prescribed by our doctor.

There is nothing wrong with the above. There are legitimate reasons for taking pills. No one wants to be in pain and no one should. But what we don't realize is the silent message that we're sending to our kids - taking pills makes us feel better.

Unfortunately our children don't think as rationally as adults and they may translate taking a pill for pain to taking a pill just to feel good. The pills are legal and parents use them, ergo, they must not be as harmful as other illegal drugs. This is dangerous thinking.

Parents need to sit down with their children now and explain the dangers of taking pills for recreational use. Whether they're taking cocaine or the other hard drugs or prescription pills it doesn't matter - they're still taking drugs solely to get high and they don't understand the possible deadly consequences.

Some teens throw "pharm" parties - each kid bringing some pills, putting them in a bowl, mixing them around, and then swallowing a few pills or sometimes swallowing a handful. They're ingesting uppers and downers together - a deadly combination.

I urge every parent to take this new threat seriously. Keep track of your pills, how many you should have and keep them locked away safely. online pharmacy no prescription needed

Don't wait until the police are knocking at your door. Remember, it's never too early to speak to your children about drugs but it can be too late.

Sheryl Letzgus McGinnis is the author of three (3) books on drugs and addiction. Her children's book - The Addiction Monster and the Square Cat is consistently on's Best Sellers List in Substance Abuse. She writes numerous articles on drugs and addiction both for online sites and print publications.

Frightening Drug Overdose Statistics - No One Thought it Would Happen to Them

When you take the time to look over recent drug overdose statistics, all one can say is that the data is startling. The United States National Center for Health Statistics reports that deaths that may involve drug overdoses accounted for over 31,000 deaths within the United States in 2006 alone. Up to 5,000 of these deaths may have been intentional. It is a truly staggering statistic to consider. But, that is not the only thing that is staggering about this situation.

According to a testimony given by doctors at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the numbers are growing rapidly. There is now an increasing amount of evidence that suggests to researchers that this growth may be thanks to an explosion in prescription drug use within the last decade. There are almost no signs that cases of drug overdoses will be going down anytime soon. The fact that people are out of work due to difficult economic times doesn't help.

The most common drugs that account for overdoses, intentional and unintentional, are barbiturates such as pentobarbital which has been used in assisted suicides, opioids like heroine and codeine, and alcohol abuse. In fact, many people do not realize the large amount of deaths that result from acute alcohol intoxication, which is extreme drunkenness. Acute alcohol intoxication may result in liver failure and can be avoided by carefully examining and limiting your alcohol intake.

A look at drug overdose statistics can make us discouraged but it is each individual's relation to stress that can be the key to the solution. If you use any prescription drugs yourself, there are steps that you should take to avoid an accidental overdose such as refraining from mixing prescriptions. If you use drugs or alcohol recreationally, examine what leads up to the need to find ways to escape your stress. Learn ways to dissipate the low moods through walking, exercise and ways to produce a natural state of peace. Find someone to talk to or a support group to help change your perspective when things seem dark. Following these few important steps and learning tools for coping will help you avoid becoming a drug overdose statistic yourself.

Don't Let Yourself Or Someone You Love Become a Statistic

Save a Bundle on Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs can and often are the largest medical expense in many households. I don't think anyone objects to drug companies continuing to research and develop drugs that can improve our quality of life or even extend our lives. However, no one wants to pay more than they have to for their prescription medications.

Most people can save 50% or more on their prescriptions if they take a few extra steps and research their options. Being a smart shopper and plus a little insider-information can help you get the most for you medical dollar. Whether you have medical drug coverage or pay for your prescriptions out of pocket, you can learn a few techniques in order to save a buck or three on your next refill.

The first tip is to price shop. Prescription drug prices often vary as much as 25% from one pharmacy to another just down the street. Don't assume that the big name superstores or drug chains hold a lock on low prices. Many smaller stores seek out drug wholesalers and pass these savings onto you, the customer, in order to get you into their stores where you will likely pick up additional items you need.

Do a little homework and find out if the drug store offers a discount 'valued customer' program. These VIP subscriptions sometimes are free and some charge a nominal fee and then provide substantial discounts, refunds, coupons or other incentives to shop in their store. On the surface, you drug price may be higher than another store that does not offer a loyalty program but when you consider the overall benefits and savings, you can come out well ahead on one of these style offers.

Buy Online

There is the potential that you can save a bundle by shopping for your prescription drugs online. Online drug retailers and wholesalers have a much lower operation expense and can offer 20% to 60% savings, sometimes even more. This requires some time to research and will likely be of more benefit to those who have ongoing prescription needs or have a chronic condition that will require long-term drug treatment. Just be sure that you buy from domestic providers that display the Verified Internet Pharmacy Provider Site (VIPPS) seal.

Buy Older Drugs

This does not mean expiring drugs, just older in terms of having been around for a while. Avoid new trendy drugs as these are usually the most expensive options. Unless there is a compelling reason to move to a new drug that does something that no other drug can do, opt for the less-expensive option. Sometimes new drugs are just a combination of two or more older drugs. Buying them separately can be significantly less expensive that the new combination.

Buy In Quantity

Usually, buying a 90-day or 180-day supply will be a lot cheaper per day than buying in smaller quantity. Ask your doctor if you can get a larger refill prescription if you are taking an ongoing medication regiment.

Go Generic

This may be obvious but drugs whose patent has expired can be manufactured by others and this will lower the price of the drug significantly. Always ask your doctor or your pharmacist if a generic-equivalent is available. This can really drop your prescription drug bills.